
Sometimes you will come across a website where the price can’t be found in AnyTracker.
Luckily, there is a workaround that might still let you track the price.

Let’s take EA’s website as an example. They have some measures in place to make tracking more difficult.
In this example, we are interested in buying a game which is found on this link:

We start by highlighting the price in Normal mode. This should always be the first thing to try, since it’s a fast thing to check.
Next, we search for the price, since searching can reveal numbers that were not found when highlighting. No luck.

Last resort: Ultra mode. It works on pretty much any website. But the search is unsuccessful here.

The workaround

Put on your detective coat because we are going to do some digging 🕵️‍♂️
Open the website in your browser and open the Developer console. The shortcut for this is Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS), and Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux).

Switch to the Network tab. Reload the page. We can now see all the requests being made.

One of these requests loads the price. Select the first request (under the Name tab), then click on Response to see the result of the request.

Now go through each request until you find one with a response that contains the price. Usually, this request will have the ID of the product somewhere in its address, and the response will be in JSON format.

Once you have found the price, copy the Request URL to AnyTracker. With the new link, AnyTracker is able to track the price reliably.

In this case we found the following (long) link:“locale”%3A”en”%2C”overrideCountryCode”%3A”GB”%2C”offerIds”%3A”Origin.OFR.50.0004360″%2C”platforms”%3A”PC”%2C”subscriptionLevel”%3A”NON_SUBSCRIBER”%7D&extensions=%7B”persistedQuery”%3A%7B”version”%3A1%2C”sha256Hash”%3A”60ada320beb2e4af93932967aee50286101fdbd3b4cbb1bf1d231c7d241d6941″%7D%7D

With this link, AnyTracker has no trouble finding the price (the price is in British Pounds, probably it is translated to Norwegian kr when the page loads).

Note that if the price still wasn’t found in Number mode, you can use Text Occurrence.
Search for the price, and select “Notifications on changes”. Then you will get notified when the price changes.
Note that you will have to set it up again once the price changes (start tracking occurrences of the new price), so it is a bit cumbersome.

If you need help troubleshooting, you can always contact us and we will assist you.
You can reach us by sending an email to